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Preparing For The Test: Facial Hair / Shaving

When wearing a respirator that requires a seal with your face, you must be clean shaven where the respirator seals with your face. This helps to make sure your respirator can protect you from breathing contaminants. Please ensure that you are clean shaven prior to the fit test.

What Does Clean-Shaven Mean?

You must have shaved before the start of your shift. You may need to shave again during your shift or prior to the fit test if your beard grows quickly enough to interfere with the respirator's seal.

Does it Really Matter if There's a Bit of Stubble on my Face?

Stubble prevents the mask from forming a good seal with your face. Stubble may seem small, but its a huge when compared to dust, mist, fibers, fume particles and gas vapors. Stubble under a respirator seal creates plenty of room for these contaminates to enter your mask.

We have provided our service to these clients and industries
  • The Dental Industry
  • RCMP
  • Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • First Nations Nursing Association
  • BC Ambulance Service
  • BC Nurses
  • Nursing Colleges throughout BC
  • Various Industrial Industries
Approx. 6-10 Employees in 1 Hour
$200 Mobile Service Fee
$50 Per Person
Our Price Includes
  • Sensitivity Test and Fit-Test
  • Instruction of Respirator Application and Removal
  • Positive and Negative Pressure Test
  • Care, Cleaning and Storing Respirator
  • Fit Test Card for WCB
  • All Documentation Copied and Provided to Employer
Types of Respirators We Test
  • Medical N-95 respirators
  • Industrial N-95 respirators
  • Full face respirators
  • Half masks
  • SCBA Respirators
Prior to Fit Testing Please Ensure That All Employees:
  • Be Clean Shaven
  • Do Not Smoke 20 Minutes Prior to Test
  • Do Not Eat or Drink 20 Minutes Prior to Test (except water)

How are Fit Tests done?

We provide comprehensive professional fit-testing services in our onsite mobile fit testing unit. It is conducted in compliance with occupational health and safety codes and in accordance with CSA standards.